About me

I guess I have a double life like most aspiring IMers (internet marketers).  I earn a crust working 9 t0 5 4 days a week the other days with online and offline business.  I provide a variety of services; accounting,  spreadsheet development, business forecasting, software testing and software training to name a few.  The income from this work is time limited as ethically I can only sell each hour once.

This leads me to my other, at present, non-existent income stream, the internet.  I will with dedication and application bring value to other web users which will in the  not too distant future earn initially a supplementary income.

Then in the fullness of time allow me to provide more successfully for my family.  It is my family that is my driving force.  I no longer want to have to count the pennies or say no when one of them makes an otherwise reasonable request.  This is my mission.

Jeremy Greene

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