TO WORK ONLINE What is your plan B? What if, it is your turn to do the exit next time? Or your company decides to fold up? Searching for another employment is out of the question. If you have a sizable amount of savings, you might become an entrepreneur or create your own business. Today, people talk a lot about the global crisis and its adverse effects in your economic life. Even if you are now gainfully employed, it is still better to plan another source of income. when searching for work at home opportunities, try searching for the magic keywords "Work from the comfort of your home" and "work online". With the ongoing recession, you lost the comfort zone feeling which you always maintain in relation to your job. The "last in, first out" policy is usually what corporations and a lot of industries follow in dismissing or in retrenching their employees. WHAT DOES WORKING ONLINE MEAN? Working online is a job or employment done at home. To work online, you are have to have a your computer and a internet connection. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES IN ONLINE EMPLOYMENT? WHICH ONLINE JOBS ARE AVAILABLE? Virtual assistant – You will provide professional, administrative, social and creative assistance to clients from your home. Usually, you will be working for a broker or consultancy firm. Requirement is at least 5 years experience in administrative work. Data entry – You have to be affiliated with a reputable website to get your source of work. Once you become a <b>…<b>