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www.SteveNam.com Thanks for all the emails and encouragement from my post yesterday! Several of you expressed that you wanted to join me on this 0 to 10k journey. Im ecstatic about that, and so lets just cut to the chase and get started! Im writing these posts realizing that many of you have not had a go at making very much money online, so Im going to give you the best resources and education I can for someone just starting out. The best advise I can give for 2008 is "GET A BLOG!" Why do I say that? Well, blogs are hot right now. For a few reasons 1.) Blogs give you credibility — Its like your home online, this is where you can advertise all the products you come out with, share your knowledge, and demonstrate to people that you know what youre doing. 2.) Blogs are loved by the online community –if you look around, more and more people are starting blogs now, they are linking to their friends blogs, theyre linking to good posts by other bloggers (if you think about it the better stuff you write the more likely people will link to you and get you traffic), and basically people dont feel like theyre being "sold to" when theyre on a blog. Unless of course, you make your blog uber cheesy salesy. 3.) Blogs are loved by search engines — they more posts you write, the better chances you get to rank for certain keywords. This can be discussed in further detail but well save it. 4.) Blogs are the EASIEST thing to create (as far as websites go) –You can go to blogger <b>…<b>

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This is a site that I just found today and its amazing!! All you do is watch 30 seconds ads and you earn money! Refer your friends and you will be on your way to be making alot of money! Heres the sign up link enjoy 🙂 www.varolo.com NOTE: when you get to the first page wait 15 seconds until the next page loads with the 2 min video demonstration. Then continue with the sign-up enjoy!!

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